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- "Carol_Elaine_Cyr - Commercial - TrueCar".
Welcome to the first step in our time working together!
Please take a look around to learn more about me and listen to my voice demos to see if my voice is right for your project.
I can’t wait to hear from you!
Welcome to the first step in our time working together!
Please take a look around to learn more about me and listen to my voice demos to see if my voice is right for your project.
I can’t wait to hear from you!
I just wanted to say a quick hello and introduce myself. You can learn everything you need to know about me and my work before you get in touch.
My name is Carol Elaine Cyr. Thanks for dropping by!
Working with a voice over talent can seem very overwhelming if you’ve never done it before.
You might not know the best way to get started, how to ensure the work is done to your needs…you might not even know what a voice over talent does! And that’s okay — we all start somewhere.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. No question is too simple and I’m here to help make your project amazing, so let me know if you need anything.